Divorce Mediation

Mediation does not require that you trust, believe, agree, or frankly, even like your spouse.

The reality is - few divorces are peaceful, in fact most are contentious. Few spouses like, believe or even trust the other spouse - and that is all normal. But just because you disagree, dislike, and believe it is impossible to get your spouse to do what is right, it doesn't mean you have to go to Court. Divorce Mediation is a much better alternative.

There is plenty on the Internet selling the virtues of mediation and explaining why it works and what it is all about. If you are already here on this website, you probably know pretty much what mediation is. There is no need for me to repeat all of that here. If you don't know about divorce mediation, please visit this link and this one from Virginia Supreme Courts.

What I will explain here are the different types of divorce mediation, how to prepare, what to expect, and the topics you will probably discuss in mediation.

703 241-1243